

by Edward Sutch, Paralegal

As family lawyers, we are well-versed in cases involving domestic abuse, including the concept of 'gaslighting' which has been recently recognised by the court as a form of abuse.

Gaslighting is a form of coercive control and emotional abuse by which an abuser manipulates their victim into questioning their own reality and feeling responsible for any problems in the relationship. The aim is to gain control over the victim.

Many people will say that arguments are normal in any relationship, but at what point does the relationship become abusive?

Over time, this can destroy the victim’s confidence and self-esteem, and leave the victim doubting themselves to the point where they become completely controlled by the perpetrator.

This often overlaps with a narcissistic personality. Narcissists have an exaggerated sense of self-importance. They often belittle others to boost their self-worth and lack empathy towards other people's feelings. Narcissists have an overwhelming need for attention and admiration and can behave arrogantly.

Signs that your partner may be ‘gaslighting’ you include:

  • They distort the truth and insist that you did something you know you didn’t do;
  • They will discredit your version of events;
  • You often feel confused, anxious and that you are questioning your beliefs;
  • They try to convince you that you are “crazy” or mentally ill.

If you are concerned that you find yourself in an abusive relationship and would like to know more about your options in terms of the next steps and protection, you can contact our experienced family team for confidential advice.